Sunday, April 27, 2014

Part VI - Installing the New Motor (Part II)

With the weekend finally here, we set out to finish the job and get the car to run. We encountered some issues with the tensioner and timing belt, but got it sorted out. With everything put back in to place, we put the oil and coolant in their reservoirs and started the car. It started up, but quickly shut back off. We had to give it a little gas and keep it from stalling for a bit. Once the fluids had circulated the system enough, the car was idling just fine. There's still work to be done, but I was able to bring the car home. All credit goes to William for basically everything. From knowledge, expertise, and problem-solving skills, to hard work, early mornings, and late nights, this man has brought the car back from the dead.
Mostly everything back in.
Put all the belts on.

The car is aliiiiiive! 

Finally home where she belongs.

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Part V - Installing the New Motor (Part I)

Happy Easter! We couldn't have asked for a better day to do some manual labor. William basically installed everything himself. Laughs were laughed, blood was shed, oil spilt. At the end of the day, we got a lot done. Unfortunately we could not complete the job as we ran in to some issues (gaskets not wanting to come off, finding out more parts needed to be replaced than originally thought, hunger etc...). All in all, we made the best of our day and got a lot accomplished.
The block is finally out!

Prepping the new block.

Tools and parts galore!

New block with the oil pan on.

Add in a little clutch and flywheel...

...And the block is ready to be put in.

A little to the left! No! Your other left!

Now... drop it gently... GENTLY!

The new block sitting in her new home.

More parts finally getting in to place.

Got the head and valve cover in before we had to call it a night.

Part IV - Removing the Block

Date: 4/19/14 - As we were going to install the new motor Sunday, we figured we'd get the block out of the engine bay on Saturday. It was a tedious night, but we got it out. 
Awww... it's a baby intercooler!

Big thanks to Rick for lending us the hoist.

Halfway there!

Time to rip this sucker out.

Bam! It's finally out of the way!

Friday, April 18, 2014

Part III - Purchasing Parts

I finally got all the parts I need to get the car up and running. Two new tires, rear brake pads, water pump, all new belts, hoses, gaskets, and coolant. More updates to come this weekend as we rip the motor out and put the new one in.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Part II - A Visit to the Junkyard

Date: 4/13/14 - Off to the junkyard! After searching many vehicles for a decent motor, we finally found a 2000 VW Passat with an AEB motor. William and his brother Alex ripped the motor out. The valves were fine... and the motor cranked! Sold! The fluctuating rain didn't help much, but the trip was worth it.
The new motor.

Part I - The Teardown

Date: 4/12/14 - With the help of my brother-in-law, William, we took the engine apart to see what was wrong. The valves were bent and the motor wasn't cranking, even with the head off. Looks like I'm getting a new motor...
Removal of the front end.

Took the valve cover off.

The head had bent valves.

The motor didn't crank either.


Hello and thanks for visiting. This page will be dedicated to the build of my 1999 Audi A4 1.8T Quattro. I purchased the car on 4/6/14. It was not running when I got it, but there's a beautiful future in store for her. Please keep visiting to see the progress and The Rise of the B5! Feel free to also follow me on Instagram @theurize. 

The engine bay.

The interior was next to immaculate.

Even the rear seats were in great shape!

Solid piece of machinery. Definitely had to have it.